Sometimes it is necessary to change the file or files being delivered for an existing product. This guide will walk you through the steps needed.
1. Upload the new file(s)
Log into your PayLoadz account and go to the File manager which is labeled as "Manage and Upload Files" under the Selling tab. You can also go directly here: Upload the file or files on this page using one of the methods shown. If you see the file you want to use already listed in the File Manager, then you can go directly to step #2.
Important: Upload the replacement files using a different file name than the files you are replacing for the product. This will prevent confusion and make it easier for you to set the new files and remove the old ones.
2. Remove the old files
Go to the Product Detail page in your account. Click on the "Change File" link to access the File Manager page for that product. You will see a list of files shown with checkboxes next to them. There could be multiple pages of files as indicated by the page numbers at the bottom of the list. Locate the files that are currently attached to the product by name, and uncheck the checkbox next to each file you'd like to remove from the product. Click Update/Submit to confirm and remove the file from the product. You should then be taken back to the Product Detail page and the removed files should not be listed for the product.
3. Attach the new uploaded files to your product.
On the Product Detail page, then click the Change File link as you did in Step 2. Browse the list of files and find the newly uploaded files that you'd like to attach to the item. Click the checkbox next to each file you'd like to attach. Then click Submit/Update to set the files to the product. you should be redirected to the Product Detail page again with the files listed. You can then use the "test Delivery" link to view the product download page with all of the files.