How to Create 2CO Account
How to Create 2Checkout
To create your 2CO Account, you must first have to go to the site, you will find the screen as shown below.
After reading the agreement, go to the next step. here you will find the similar screen as follows:
Here, you have to fill up the form and proceed to the next step. The next screen will be like this.
Here, your account holder informations and E-Mail address, your local address etc. will be asked for. After compelting these processes, go to the next step as the following screen will be appeared:
Here you make your username and password as asked. Put your secret question there in case of forgetting the password.
After completion of these processes, your account creation confirmation screen will be shown as like this:
Here you will get your Customer Number which is called as SID Number. After getting this, you can insert a code snippet provided by
For managing your account you can log in into your account. For this please go to the link Here you can manage your account viewing all options for your buyers for their invoice formats, help, messages etc.
After login your account, Please set up some changes there in your account page. To do this, Please follow the instructions below.
When you login your account from the page you will get entered your account page. The screen is similar to this:
Here you will get the option of Look and Feel settings. Go this this link. After then the page will be opened which will be like this below:
Here you will get two options as Approved URL and Pending URL. These 2 URLs are for telling the buyer to return the page mentioned in this field in either of the case approved or pending.
In both the cases of Approved URL and Pending URL, Please Fill the URL
It's must to fill only this URL here in these two options in order to get the payloadz services integrated with
Enter Following Notification setting URL:
Global Setting:
Enter Global URL: in the text box and click on apply button.
Also Enable All Notifications. Please check below screenshot for details:
After then save the page and log out your account.