Store Listing The best way to promote product sales is listing your product on PayLoadz store
Category selection List your product in correct category and sub category e.g. if you selling classical music then you should list it in Music category and Classical sub category because buyer may look for this type of products under this category and sub category options on our store. You can also list your products in more than one category or sub category.
Keywords Basically the Keywords are used in search. It is not possible for a customer to check all the products of any site and he always search the products according to the requirement, here keywords performs a major role. You must proceed with clarity to choose the keywords that will express the purpose of your product. So, always add keywords which are related to your product. You can add different keywords with your product, please check below image:
Description Product Description is the most important thing while selling any product, because only with description you can tell the customer about your product. Always be accurate in your product descriptions, tell your customers that what your product is and customer can get a clear picture of your product .You can give different formatting to the description of your products or hyperlinks or images or videos can be added in description through HTML using Source button in Description text editor, please check below image:
Sample File It is a good idea to provide a sample file for your product to give the buyer some preview of the content they are purchasing. For more information on how to use sample files to promote your products please see the following help link: