How do I stop PayPal from adding taxes to my digital sales?
You can create a purchase button using the Purchase Code Generator which would give you the long form html code for the purchase button. Then you can add a line of code to incorporate a tax override for that product.
1. Log into your account.
2. Click the Selling tab and from the drop-down menu select Purchase Code Generator.
3. Choose the type of button you want whether PayPal type Buy Now or Add to Cart and click "Generate Product Purchase Code".
4. Select the html code and copy this to a text editor.
Copy and paste the following code <input type="hidden" name="tax" value="0.00"> into your code between the <form> tags and after the the amount value (<input type="hidden" name="amount" value="15.00">):
Replace the "tax" value number above with the tax you would like to charge for this item. (By making the value 0.00, you could run a tax-free promotion on an item.)
5. Copy and paste to your website. Copy and paste the Button html code to your website(s), blog(s) and publish.