If the seller or customer receives this message, it indicates that there is not a valid file specified for delivery for the product. To correct the issue, the seller needs to specify an existing file or upload a new file for the product. Customers who receive this message need to contact the seller directly using the email address displayed on the Download Page. Because this is a seller configuration issue, we are not able to resolve the issue from our end without the seller's help.
Procedure to fix the issue:
1. The seller needs to log into their PayLoadz Account at www.payloadz.com.
2. After they log into their account, they need to access their list of existing products at the following URL: https://www.payloadz.com/sell/products.asp
3. Once on this page, they need to search for the Product that is generating this error message. Once the product is located, click on the "Details" link to the right of the product information to access the Product Detail page.
4. Once on the Product Detail page, click on the "Change File" link there. After you access the File Selection page, you have the option to upload a new file using the form, or to select one of the existing files in the account. Clicking on the Update/Upload buttons on this page will bind the file(s) to the product and you will be redirect back to the Product Detail page.
5. Confirm the fix. You can then use the "Test Delivery" link on the product detail page to send a free test download to yourself so you can see if the download is functioning properly.
If this does not work, try uploading the file again using a different file name that consists only of letters, numbers, "-" , "_" and "." No other non-standard characters should be in the file name. Using a file name that is slightly different than the old one will ensure that there is no conflict in the file versions.
Example filename: joe's widget.zip
Becomes: joes-widget.zip